New Baby Time
Every Wednesday morning we have a free drop-in program for you and your baby. No appointment is needed! Drop in any time between 9:30 and 11:00 any Wednesday morning. A member of your midwifery team will be available for you to answer questions. You can weigh your baby to see how they are growing. There are guest speakers each week and a change to get together with other families in the community with new babies. Making connections with other community families with newborns can help reduce feelings of isolation and can foster healthy energy and recovery in the postpartum period. If you already participated in our Connecting Pregnancy Program, you may already have a connection with some of the participants and this may continue in New Baby Time.
The presentation each Wednesday morning begins around 9:45. Stay for the whole session, or just pop in for a baby weigh and have your questions addressed. We aim to be available and flexible for you and your needs! If you participate in New Baby Time, the clinical aspects of your care will be addressed during your participation. If you require further time with a member of your midwifery team or you prefer one-on-on clinic visits in the postpartum period, these options are also available.
New Baby Time is for Blue Heron parents with babies up 8 weeks old. Older siblings and helpers are welcome too. New Baby Time gives you the opportunity to continue coming to Blue Heron Midwives to chat with other parents, weigh your baby, and learn valuable information even after you are discharged from our care.
Discussion topics by guest speakers include:
- Infant digestion and colic
- Infant language development
- Self-care for mamas
- Postpartum exercise
- Slings and cloth diapers
- Breastfeeding
- Proper bra fitting
- Pelvic floor issues
- Care for your family from a Naturopath
- Intimacy after baby
Here’s what our clients have to say about New Baby Time:
“It has been great to re-connect with the women who were in my prenatal group and to meet other new mothers.”
“I’m glad that the focus hasn’t all been about ‘what you can do for your baby’ but that there are also topics related to the moms’ well-being.”
There is a wide range of baby ages so there is collective experience in the room that new mom’s can draw from.”
“I’ve also appreciated how the midwives are there and available to meet individually, but allow that moms are also autonomous in their care.”

For Weekly Topics visit:
Our facebook page or click on the calendar tab of this website.